Film Making and Creative Freedom
Recently, a film called, “Adiprush”, was released on 16 June 2023. This film, directed by, Om Raut with a budget of 600 crores, received a lot of criticism from the viewers and this film was a flop. The criticism though, was very well deserved. This film purely served the purpose of disrespecting and exploiting the religious beliefs of millions of Hindus. The main hype was about the spending of 600 crores on a movie, all of us failed to understand where the 600 crore rupees went in making this film even though the final result looked like a 60 rupees cheap remake of an animated version of Ramayan with real people acting in it. Directions of movies and web series like these show how free the filmmakers feel while playing with the emotions of millions of viewers. They are free to mould the facts and figures and display them according to their liking and comfort.
In the movie Adipurush, a lot of moulding and disrespecting of our epic Ramanya has been beautifully done. The very first thing is the depiction of lord ram. In the film, we can see Prabhas, playing the role of lord Rama, wearing white clothes, which are fully covering his body, wearing a crown and holding a bow, and the way his hair was done along with an absence of tilak on his forehead, all of this is known as misdirection. The way he was dressed up in the movie made him look more like Jesus and less like Lord Ram. Lord Rama never wore a crown, his clothes were orange, covering his lower and some part of his upper body and he always wore tilak. Then, of course, we have very well-written dialogues. A child studying in elementary school would have written better dialogue than the dialogue writer of this film. Bajrang (Lord Hanuman) in the film says, “Kapda tere baap ka. Tel tere baap ka. Aag bhi tere baap ki. Toh jalegi bhi tere baap ki.” (The clothes, oil, and fire all belong to your father, it is him who will get burned). Such a kind of derogatory language being used by the god of strength and the biggest devotee of Rama? First a fall, the use of words “Baap” (father) and “Tu and Teri” (you/you’re), do you seriously think, our lord Hanuman would use this kind of language? Then we have Saif Ali Khan playing the role of Ravan. Yes, a Ravan, who, in the film is wearing a blue coloured T-Shirt, with no moustache, a long pointed beard breaking the rudraksh. Yes, the biggest Shiv Bhakt is breaking the Rudraksha. Then we have lord hanuman wearing a band sort of thing made out of animal flesh. A vegetarian, the biggest devotee of Rama and a pure sole wearing clothes made up of animal flesh. The way Shri Tulsidas Ji has described Lord Hanuman, the total opposite of what has been done in this film. The way maa sita used to dress has also been made vulgar in this lovely film. Lanka, also known as “Soone ki Lanka” has been portrayed as a third-world country where everything is dark and depressing. There is no hint of gold anywhere in the Lanka of the film.
Yes, this is all the film has to offer. Shame on the director, that being a Hindu himself, he has no respect for his religion and has the guts to direct such a film. Shame on the actors, for agreeing to be a part of this film and shame on all the so-called Hindus for going to screen this film. Let us just look at the level of hypocrisy we have. The director asked the theatres to leave a seat empty for Lord Hanuman. Even lord hanuman would have laughed watching this film if he did. We proceed to make such statements with so much confidence and then we proceed to make such a disgusting film.
You see, people resort to watching films rather than reading books. What kind of knowledge are they going to gain after watching such films? That our gods wore clothes made up of animal flesh, or our gods used such kind of language to communicate? Just because you wanted to add your rubbish sense of humor, doesn’t mean that you get the right to play with the emotions of Hindus.
This is where the directors misuse their filmmaking rights and Mould the facts and figures according to their wishes so that they can insult a religion. This has become a pattern, you see, all the time, the ones whose cultures are disrespected are Hindus and their gods. Have you ever seen such a rubbish film being made, based on gods of other religions? I have never seen a film disrespecting Islamic beliefs or Christian beliefs or any other religious beliefs for that matter. Why is it always Hindus? This is because the industry knows that Hindus will patiently tolerate this nonsense and other people following other religions won’t! And they take advantage of this. If the Hindus try to protest or take action, then they are given the tag of extremists and terrorists.
Why can’t the directors portray what was taught in our Vedas and scriptures? Why do they always have to do the opposite? People from other countries did a better job in remaking the Epic Ramayan with a way less budget and delivering the right message. But the people from our own country couldn’t make a good movie with 600 crore rupees.